

UDC 537.3

Thermoelectric device with electronic control unit for diagnostics
of inflammatory processes in the human organism

Anatychuk L. I., Kobylianskyi R. R., Cherkez R. G.,
Konstantynovych I. A., Hoshovskyi V. I., Tiumentsev V. A.
(in English)

Keywords: thermoelectric device, electronic control unit, temperature sensor and heat fluxes, inflammatory processes in the human body.

The paper presents a thermoelectric device capable of simultaneously measuring the temperature and density of heat fluxes on the surface of a human body with the help of a developed thermoelectric sensor with a thermostated free surface, thus excluding the effect of ambient temperature on the sensor readings. A special computer programme has been developed for processing the measurement results by way of accumulating and reproducing them in a specified form on a personal computer, which enables monitoring the temperature and thermal state of a human in real time. The specific features of the device design and its technical characteristics are given.

Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Institute of Thermoelectricity of the NAS and MES of Ukraine, Yurii Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Lviv, State Science and Production Enterprise «Termoprylad-3».

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