
UDC 621.315.592, 535.8

The effect of hydrogen treatment of cadmium telluride single crystals
on their optical transmission spectra

Pigur O. N., Popovych V. D., Potera P., Virt I. S., Tsybrii (Ivasiv) Z. F.

Keywords: CdTe single crystals, CdTe:Cl, hydrogenation, optical properties.

The influence of low-temperature processing by discharge in atmosphere of hydrogen on p-type single crystals CdTe and CdTe:Cl transmission in transparent region and longwavelength absorption edge have been investigated. The changes in absorption spectra were explained by hydrogen passivation of shallow intrinsic defects of acceptor type based on the vacancy of cadmium, and also by isolated defects initiation with the assistance of hydrogen.

Ukraine, Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University of Drogobych, Kiev, V. Ye. Lashkariov Institute of Physics of Semiconductors of NASU; Poland, University of Rzeszow.