
UDC 539.2

3D-nanocomposites — the opal matrices with metal Co inclusions
and the layered structures "opal matrices — Co/Ir"

Samoylovich M. I., Rinkevich A. B., Belyanin A. F., Paschenko P. V.

Keywords: opal matrix, nanocomposites, metamaterials, microwave engineering.

Cî/Ir films structure on substrates of perfect SiO2 nanospheres packings (opal matrices) and samples of Co-contained opal matrices are studied. The abilities of nanocomposites application in SHF technics based on opal matrices as meta-materials are considered.

Russia, Moscow, CC «CSITI «Technomash-VOS», D. V. Skobeltsin Nuclear Pfysics RI of MSU; Yekaterinburg, Institute of Physics of Metals of UD of RAS.