
UDC 621.382.2

Phase shifter 0-π on 4HSiC p–i–n-diodes

Boltovets N. S., Krivutsa V. A., Lychman K. A., Zeken­tes K., Orekhovsky V. A.

The paper presents the results of studying the parameters of the phase shifter with a phase shift from 0 to π on the basis of two microwave 4HSiC p–i–n-diodes. Diodes have a breakdown voltage of 500—700 V at 20 mA reverse current, the resistance of 2,5—3,0 ohms at forward current of 100 mA, capacity of 0,3 pF at reverse voltage of 40 V and switching time from direct current of 100 mA to reverse voltage 15 V 20 ns. In the frequency range of 2,4—2,6 GHz the phase shifter loss with a phase shift of 0° are 0,8—1,3 dB, and with a phase shift 175—179,5° are 1,7—2,5 dB.

Ukraine, Kiev, Scientific Research Institute «Orion»; Greece, Heraklion, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas.